Crypto mobile app patent

Crypto App Patents: Protecting Mobile Innovations

Crypto mobile app patent

The rising prominence of cryptocurrency in global finance is undeniable. From a niche concept to a $2 trillion market cap as of 2022 (CoinMarketCap), its growth is staggering. But how are crypto mobile app patents influencing this trajectory? Cryptocurrency users reached 101 million by Q3 2021, an 189% increase from the previous year (Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance). The decentralized nature of these assets offers a new paradigm in financial transactions, bypassing traditional middlemen like banks. The rising prominence of cryptocurrency in global finance is undeniable. In this article, we will delve into the influence of various key elements, including patents for cryptocurrencycryptocurrency trading mobile appscrypto token model patents, crypto mobile app prices, and Cryptocurrency Mobile Apps

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Cryptocurrency Mobile Apps Technology Landscape

The advent of cryptocurrency has sent ripples through the financial ecosystem, challenging traditional banking systems and providing alternative investment vehicles. The rise of mobile applications as primary platforms for cryptocurrency trading and asset management is a significant trend. Mobile apps simplify the complex world of digital currency, making it accessible to the masses. 


    Market statistics on cryptocurrency mobile app usage

    Mobile apps like Coinbase have registered more than 68 million users as of Q2 2022 (Coinbase Transparency Report), enabling instantaneous trading and portfolio management. Companies like nChain have filed more than 100 patents related to blockchain technology (USPTO), shaping the industry’s competitive dynamics.

    Impact on Small-Scale Developers

    The proliferation of patents can create barriers for small-scale developers who may not have the resources to navigate complex patent landscapes for cryptocurrency. For example, nChain’s extensive portfolio could deter small developers from entering the space (Harvard Business Review).

    Mobile Apps and Regulations

    Mobile apps are under scrutiny from regulators, but their adaptability gives them an edge. Case in point: Coinbase’s rapid implementation of Know Your Customer (KYC) norms to comply with U.S. regulations (Coinbase Blog).

    Decentralization and Patents

    While patents protect innovation, they contradict the decentralized ethos of cryptocurrencies. The control exerted by patent holders could centralize power, moving away from the ideal of a democratized financial system (Journal of Cryptocurrency Studies).


    Cryptocurrency Trading Mobile App Market

    The Cryptocurrency Trading Mobile App Market is not only expanding but also becoming increasingly nuanced. With the global cryptocurrency market cap exceeding $2 trillion, the spotlight is now on mobile trading platforms. However, the landscape is fraught with challenges and opportunities in equal measure, particularly around user experience and regulation. 

    User experience is not just a buzzword but it’s a critical business metric. According to a study by the Nielsen Norman Group, even a 0.1-second delay in load time can decrease customer satisfaction by 16%. In the hyper-competitive cryptocurrency trading market, such nuances can be the difference between success and failure. Features like real-time price updates, intuitive dashboards, and easy navigation are no longer ‘nice-to-haves’; they are imperative for user retention. The cost of acquiring a new customer is five times more than retaining an existing one, making user experience a vital investment.

    Cryptocurrency Mobile Apps Features 

    Coinbase, Binance, and Kraken are often cited as the leading lights in the cryptocurrency mobile app landscape. Coinbase is lauded for its user-friendly interface and stringent security protocols. Binance is a haven for seasoned traders, offering a wide array of cryptocurrencies and intricate trading options. Kraken excels in offering low transaction fees and high liquidity. Each app has carved a niche, attracting specific user demographics. For instance, Kraken is popular among advanced traders, while Coinbase is the go-to app for crypto novices.

    Mobile platforms offer several competitive advantages that make them the preferred choice for cryptocurrency trading. Speed and real-time responsiveness are at the forefront. Mobile apps provide instant notifications and one-click trading options, facilitating immediate action. Accessibility is another significant advantage. Users can engage in trading activities irrespective of their location, thus increasing overall market participation. Lastly, the user experience is unparalleled. Apps like eToro and Robinhood have intuitive interfaces and easy navigation, which attract a broad spectrum of users, from experts to novices.

    Cryptocurrency Mobile Apps Case Study 

    Revolut, a financial tech company, saw a remarkable 25% uptick in active trading after implementing one-click purchase options for cryptocurrencies (TechCrunch, 2023). This case study underscores the critical role that user-friendly features play in driving user engagement. Another example is the rise of decentralized finance (DeFi) apps like Uniswap, which have democratized finance by eliminating intermediaries, thus attracting a new wave of traders.

    The proliferation of mobile apps in the cryptocurrency landscape is not merely a trend but a paradigm shift. These platforms have democratized access to cryptocurrency trading, allowing for broader participation and creating a more inclusive financial ecosystem. With advancements in technology and user experience, mobile platforms are poised to play an even more significant role in shaping the future of cryptocurrency trading and adoption.

    Filing of Crypto Token Model Patents

    Token models have rapidly evolved as a cornerstone of decentralized applications, with varying forms offering different kinds of utilities and governance structures. According to a study, 60% of all decentralized applications have their unique token models. Intellectual property protection for these token models is a crucial yet often overlooked aspect. Patents can provide a legal safeguard against infringement and give companies a competitive edge. For instance, a patent for a unique ‘staking’ token model can give the patent owner a considerable market advantage. For example, US patent 11522700 claims an invention that provides a way to create custom smart contracts for handling and managing a stable form of digital assets, which serve as collateral for security tokens, all within the same blockchain network.

    Drafting of Crypto Mobile App Patents

    Crypto mobile apps generally fall under two categories of patents: utility and design. While utility patents protect the functionality of the app, design patents safeguard its appearance. The dynamic and evolving nature of cryptocurrency technology poses challenges in patent approval for cryptocurrency. Going by various research sources, a study revealed that only 30% of filed crypto mobile app patents get approved. Given the accelerated growth in the crypto mobile app market, Research firms predict almost a 20% increase in patent filings for cryptocurrency in the coming year. This uptick is indicative of the sector’s increasing maturity and the growing recognition of the need for intellectual property protection.

    Best Practices for Drafting Crypto Patents

    Regarding best practices for drafting crypto patents, in the above example, the patent claim provides a method for managing smart contracts and collateral in a blockchain environment. It particularly focuses on security tokens and aims to bring transparency, efficiency, and security to transactions and collateral management. The patent outlines various functional elements such as the receiving of contract proposals, matching of contract information, and a series of authorization and verification steps. Each function is carefully delineated to ensure clarity and comprehensiveness.

    As may be seen, the patent is very specific about what a smart contract proposal should include, ranging from inception date to collateral requirements. This specificity offers a structured approach to contract creation and execution. In use, the “administrator system” acts as the central authority managing the process. It not only receives and matches smart contract proposals but also generates and verifies smart contract instructions, making it pivotal for ensuring compliance and transparency. Also, several steps are devoted to verification, such as verifying that the smart contract instructions are saved on the blockchain and verifying the receipt and distribution of collateral. These steps are critical for building trust in the system.

    In addition, the patent outlines a meticulous process for managing collateral in stable value tokens. It specifies how the collateral is received, verified, and eventually distributed, ensuring financial integrity in transactions. While the patent claim is comprehensive, it would be subject to legal scrutiny for issues like prior art or the potential to be considered “too obvious.” Additionally, the technical feasibility and scalability of the described method would need to be evaluated.

    Future outlook: Trends and predictions

    Looking into the future, With speculation in cryptocurrencies at all-time highs, patent applications for blockchain and other crypto-related technologies have been filed by a variety of applicants led by major companies like Microsoft, International Business Machine (IBM), Mastercard, Security First Corp. (a data security company), Medici Inc. (a distributed ledger developer), and Bank of America. Along with major companies, cryptocurrency exchanges like Coinbase are attempting to carve out their niche with patents. However, these entities are not the only ones seeking patent protection for cryptocurrency. Universities, small entities, and individual inventors are also pursuing patent protection. Craig Wright – who at one time claimed to be Satoshi Nakamoto, the alleged founding father of Bitcoin – and his associates have filed over 70 patent applications related to cryptocurrency. 

    Implications For Crypto App Developers

    A proactive approach in patent filing for cryptocurrency can offer a sustainable competitive advantage, as it serves as both a deterrent against infringement and an asset that can be leveraged in fundraising rounds. Essentially, a patent not only protects the unique features and functionalities of your app but also acts as a barrier for competitors. It restricts others from replicating the core aspects of your technology, allowing you to maintain a unique position in the market. This exclusivity can be particularly beneficial in the crypto space, which is often marked by fast followers and intense competition.

    Deterrent Against Patent Infringement

    crypto mobile app patent also serves as a legal deterrent against infringement. By having a legally recognized claim to your crypto mobile app technology, you can take swift action against any entity that tries to copy or reverse-engineer your crypto mobile app. This legal protection can be invaluable, given the high stakes and significant investments often involved in developing and marketing a successful crypto app.

    Asset in Fundraising for Crypto Mobile App

    Furthermore, a crypto mobile app patent is not just a legal document; it’s an asset with tangible value. During fundraising rounds, having a patented technology can significantly increase the valuation of your crypto mobile app venture. Investors often view crypto mobile app patents as indicators of innovation and leadership in a particular domain. A strong crypto mobile app patent portfolio can make your venture more appealing to venture capitalists, angel investors, or even potential acquirers. Beyond fundraising, a crypto mobile app patent can also provide leverage in negotiations for partnerships or licensing deals. It gives you the authority to license your technology to third parties, opening up additional revenue streams and strategic opportunities. In summary, a well-planned approach to crypto mobile app patent filing can yield multifaceted benefits for crypto app developers. It not only secures your intellectual property but also positions your venture favorably for growth, investment, and strategic collaborations.

    Crypto mobile app patent price

    Over 3-5 years, a typical mobile app may cost anywhere from $20,000 to $30,000 in total fees for the patenting process, with additional maintenance fees incurred over the following 12 years. Patenting a mobile app involves a lengthy, intricate, and costly procedure.


    In summary, the intersection of cryptocurrency, mobile apps, and patents signifies a transformative phase in the financial landscape. Cryptocurrency mobile apps have democratized access to digital assets, fostering broader participation and inclusive financial ecosystems. However, the proliferation of patents, especially by major players, poses challenges for small-scale developers, potentially hindering innovation. The evolving token models have become integral, with patents safeguarding unique functionalities, offering legal protection, and granting competitive advantages.

    For developers, navigating complex patent landscapes demands strategic innovation, ensuring legal protection while promoting open-source collaboration. Traders benefit from user-friendly mobile platforms, emphasizing the crucial role of seamless user experiences. Policy-makers face the challenge of balancing innovation and regulation, fostering a competitive yet secure environment.

    In conclusion, the relationship between crypto, mobile apps, and patents underscores a delicate balance between innovation, regulation, and accessibility. As the landscape matures, collaboration between stakeholders, thoughtful regulation, and a commitment to open innovation will be vital to sustaining the growth of this dynamic ecosystem, ensuring a future where technology, inclusivity, and legal protection harmoniously coexist.


    Our team of advanced patent attorneys assists clients with patent searches, drafting patent applications, and patent (intellectual property) agreements, including licensing and non-disclosure agreements.

    Advocate Rahul Dev is a Patent Attorney & International Business Lawyer practicing Technology, Intellectual Property & Corporate Laws. He is reachable at rd (at) patentbusinesslawyer (dot) com & @rdpatentlawyer on Twitter.

    Quoted in and contributed to 50+ national & international publications (Bloomberg, FirstPost, SwissInfo, Outlook Money, Yahoo News, Times of India, Economic Times, Business Standard, Quartz, Global Legal Post, International Bar Association, LawAsia, BioSpectrum Asia, Digital News Asia, e27, Leaders Speak, Entrepreneur India, VCCircle, AutoTech).

    Regularly invited to speak at international & national platforms (conferences, TV channels, seminars, corporate trainings, government workshops) on technology, patents, business strategy, legal developments, leadership & management.

    Working closely with patent attorneys along with international law firms with significant experience with lawyers in Asia Pacific providing services to clients in US and Europe. Flagship services include international patent and trademark filings, patent services in India and global patent consulting services.

    Global Blockchain Lawyers ( is a digital platform to discuss legal issues, latest technology and legal developments, and applicable laws in the dynamic field of Digital Currency, blockchain, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency and raising capital through the sale of tokens or coins (ICO or Initial Coin Offerings).

    Blockchain ecosystem in India is evolving at a rapid pace and a proactive legal approach is required by blockchain lawyers in India to understand the complex nature of applicable laws and regulations.