two people discussing Asset Management tactics

How Tokenization is Revolutionising Asset Management

Basics of Tokenization

Tokenization is reshaping our perception and practice of investments in the dynamic realm of asset management. This groundbreaking process converts tangible assets into digital tokens on blockchain networks, offering benefits of tokenization such as heightened liquidity and security. Tokenization is fundamentally altering global financial markets, going beyond being a transient trend. This article explores how tokenization can transform various assets, such as real estate and intellectual property, and highlights the significant advantages it offers. While we navigate regulatory uncertainties and interoperability challenges, we catch a glimpse into the future where the promise of blockchain holds the potential to fundamentally reshape asset management.

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Tokenization in Asset Management

Tokenization is the process of converting real assets into digital tokens on a blockchain. This technology offers a plethora of benefits, from increased liquidity to enhanced security. It’s not just a trend; it’s a paradigm shift that’s altering the very fabric of financial markets globally.


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    What kind of assets can be tokenized? 

    Various asset classes have the potential to apply tokenization. These include: 

    Real Estate

    Tokenization empowers fractional ownership of properties, thereby increasing accessibility and liquidity in real estate investment.

    Art and Collectibles

    Fractional ownership, provenance verification, and democratized access to the art market are enabled by tokenizing artworks and collectibles.

    Commodities and Resources

    Investors can have fractional ownership and exposure to markets by tokenizing assets such as gold, oil, or other commodities.

    Intellectual Property

    Creators can monetize intellectual property through tokenization, ensuring transparent royalty distributions and facilitating licensing.

    Venture Capital and Startups

    Startups can issue security tokens through tokenization, which enhances liquidity and broadens investor participation, offering a new fundraising model.

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    Benefits of Tokenization

    Increased Liquidity

    Tokenization reduces the barriers to entry, allowing even small investors to participate in asset markets. This democratization of access promotes financial inclusion and diversification.

    Fractional Ownership

    Tokenization enables fractional ownership, which is a game-changer for investors. Instead of needing to buy an entire property or a full share of a high-value asset, investors can purchase fractional tokens representing a smaller portion. This lowers the barrier to entry for many investors, allowing them to diversify their portfolios across a broader range of assets.

    Cost Efficiency

    By removing intermediaries, tokenization significantly reduces transaction costs. This affordability is a huge advantage for both investors and asset managers.

    Transparency and Trust

    The blockchain technology underlying tokenization offers real-time transparency into price discovery and asset valuation. This enhanced trust is crucial in a sector often plagued by opacity.

    Global Reach

    Tokenization offers the potential for selling assets globally, increasing the pool of potential investors and, in turn, liquidity.


    Tokenization is revolutionizing asset management by democratizing access to various asset classes. High-net-worth individuals and institutions previously reserved investments in certain assets due to the large minimum investment requirements. Tokenization enables people of varying income levels to invest in assets that were previously inaccessible to them, such as high-end real estate or early-stage startups.

    Security Tokens and Compliance

    Many jurisdictions subject security tokens, which are a subset of tokenized assets, to regulatory oversight. This feature ensures that tokenized assets comply with existing securities laws, which provides a higher level of investor protection. Regulatory clarity paves the way for institutional investors to enter the space, further boosting liquidity and credibility.

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    Asset management using blockchain: Challenges and Limitations 

    While considering the potential of blockchain technology to revolutionize asset management, it is important to also acknowledge the existence of several challenges and limitations. Using blockchain for asset management presents several key challenges and limitations: 

    Regulatory uncertainty

    Different jurisdictions have different laws and regulations that are still evolving the regulatory landscape for blockchain-based asset management. Asset managers can face compliance challenges due to the uncertainty created by this.


    Many different blockchain platforms currently exist, and it can be challenging to achieve interoperability between these platforms. Liquidity issues can be created and the ability to trade assets across different platforms can be limited.

    Security concerns

    Although people know blockchain technology for its security, there is still a risk of security breaches, especially if they lose or steal private keys. Additionally, if errors or fraud occur, the immutability of the blockchain can be a disadvantage.


    As blockchain networks grow, scalability and throughput can pose challenges. This can result in slower transaction times and higher expenses.

    User adoption

    Many investors and asset managers may need to become more familiar with how blockchain technology works or how to use it, as it is still relatively new. Its adoption and the potential benefits it can offer could be limited.

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    The future outlook for blockchain in asset management 

    Blockchain has already demonstrated significant benefits of tokenization in areas such as increased transparency, efficiency, and security, making the future of blockchain in asset management look promising.

    Increased adoption

    We can expect a broader range of assets to be tokenized and traded on blockchain-based platforms as more companies and institutions adopt blockchain technology for asset management.

    Regulatory clarity

    Regulatory frameworks and guidelines that clarify blockchain-based asset management could address concerns regarding investor protection, legal compliance, and data privacy, thereby increasing trust and confidence in the technology.


    Seamless trading and settlement of assets across multiple platforms could be enabled by greater interoperability between different blockchain networks, thereby reducing friction and improving liquidity.

    Smart contracts

    The use of smart contracts, which are contracts that execute themselves and have the provisions of the agreement written directly in code, could facilitate more efficient and secure settlement of asset transactions.

    Integration with other technologies

    Other emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things, could facilitate more advanced asset management strategies and enhance data analysis and decision-making.

    As blockchain technology continues to advance and gain wider adoption, it is expected to significantly influence the future direction of asset tokenization, along with supportive regulatory developments. Asset tokenization will likely become more mainstream and widely accepted as more assets get tokenized and as investors gain broader exposure to the concept.

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    Example of Asset Tokenization

    Let’s consider the example of Company XYZ, a real estate firm that decided to tokenize its assets. Before tokenization, the minimum investment threshold was $10,000, limiting the pool of investors. Post-tokenization, the minimum investment dropped to just $100. This change not only increased liquidity but also attracted a global investor base. Within six months, Company XYZ saw a 30% increase in asset value and a 50% increase in investor engagement.

    As we look ahead, it’s clear that tokenization is not a fleeting trend but a long-term shift. Regulatory frameworks are evolving to accommodate this new technology, and as they do, we can only expect the impact of tokenization on asset management to grow.

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    Advocate Rahul Dev is a Patent Attorney & International Business Lawyer practicing Technology, Intellectual Property & Corporate Laws. He is reachable at rd (at) patentbusinesslawyer (dot) com & @rdpatentlawyer on Twitter.

    Quoted in and contributed to 50+ national & international publications (Bloomberg, FirstPost, SwissInfo, Outlook Money, Yahoo News, Times of India, Economic Times, Business Standard, Quartz, Global Legal Post, International Bar Association, LawAsia, BioSpectrum Asia, Digital News Asia, e27, Leaders Speak, Entrepreneur India, VCCircle, AutoTech).

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    Global Blockchain Lawyers ( is a digital platform to discuss legal issues, latest technology and legal developments, and applicable laws in the dynamic field of Digital Currency, blockchain, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency and raising capital through the sale of tokens or coins (ICO or Initial Coin Offerings).

    Blockchain ecosystem in India is evolving at a rapid pace and a proactive legal approach is required by blockchain lawyers in India to understand the complex nature of applicable laws and regulations.