Sio2 Medical Products, Inc. was established in 2011. The company operates in the business of developing industrial rubber commodities, rubberized fabrics, and miscellaneous rubber specialties.

In India, the business of Sio2 Medical Products, Inc. focuses on PVC coating of chromatography vials, plasma or CVD pre-treatment for the lubricated pharmaceutical package, coating process, and apparatus, trilayer coated pharmaceutical packaging, vessel inspection apparatus and methods, and passivation, PH protective or lubricity coating for a pharmaceutical package, coating process and apparatus.

Sio2 Medical Products, Inc. filed a patent application numbered 9083/DELNP/2015 that is titled COATED PACKAGING. The patent has been filed in the field of Chemicals. This Patent Application has been granted as Patent Number 352305. This invention relates to a vessel has an interior surface facing a lumen. Internally there is a tie coating, a barrier, and a pH protective layer. The tie layer can contain SiOxCy or SiNxCy, where x is from 0.5 to about 2.4 and y is from 0.6 to about 3. The barrier can have SiOx, wherein x is from 1.5 to 2.9. It decreases the ingress of atmospheric gas into the Iumen. The pH protective layer can possess SiOxCy or SiNxCy, also. Where there exists a fluid composition in the Iumen and with a pH between 5 and 9, the estimated life of the package can surpass 6mos at a storage temperature of 4°C.

During the patent examination, the Patent Examiner raised objections under Section 3(d) of the Patents Act, 1970 stating that the Claims are directed to a known process for making the vessel which does not result in the enhancement of the known efficacy of the product.

As a response, the Applicant submitted that providing data for the claims as providing enhancement of efficacy for the process is not legally required under Section 3(d). It was humbly submitted that the method claimed results in the new product and the submissions pertaining to the novelty of the product are already given in their Reply to Examination.

Advocate Rahul Dev is a Patent Attorney & International Business Lawyer practicing Technology, Intellectual Property & Corporate Laws. He is reachable at rd (at) patentbusinesslawyer (dot) com & @rdpatentlawyer on Twitter.

Quoted in and contributed to 50+ national & international publications (Bloomberg, FirstPost, SwissInfo, Outlook Money, Yahoo News, Times of India, Economic Times, Business Standard, Quartz, Global Legal Post, International Bar Association, LawAsia, BioSpectrum Asia, Digital News Asia, e27, Leaders Speak, Entrepreneur India, VCCircle, AutoTech).

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