Trademark Applications in India

Trademark applications are divided into one or more types by the trademark office, and as per Indian Trade Marks Office, a trademark applicant can type multiple kinds of trademark applications. The documentary requirements and other formalities for each trademark application type are different, and hence it is crucial to identify the exact type of trademark application before initiating the trademark filing process. While filing for a trademark, few things are to be considered. The first is which type of application you are filling. In trademark, there are five types of trademark applications:

(a) Word Trademark (also known as standard mark) is used to register words, letters, device, numbers or any combination thereof. A single word mark will protect the phrase irrespective of how it is being displayed.

(b) Colour Mark is a non-conventional trade mark where at least one colour is used to perform the trade mark function of uniquely identifying the commercial origin of products or services.

(c) Device Mark protects the looks which can be combination of images, letters, words, design and numbers taken together which appears in specific colour, design, font and style. They can also protect a design or appearance that does not contains words letters or number.

(d) Shape of Goods Mark is categorized in Trade Dress (appearance of a product) wherein, other than a logo or label a product can also be distinguished based on its packaging. For example – The bottle of Coca-Cola is distinguished from other brands on the basis of its bottle’s shape. 

(e) Sound Mark is a trademark where sound is used to perform the trademark function of uniquely identifying the commercial origin of products or services. 

(f) Three Dimension Mark: In addition to the protection of word marks or figurative marks, the three-dimensional design or shape of a trademark can also be protected – the 3D trademark. This is a figurative trademark that protects the packaging or shape of the product.

For more information on Trademark Applications in India please Contact Us.