Trademark Filing & Examination

In the present regimen of Trademark Rules 2017, an application for registration of a trademark can be filed in Form TM-A. The application is divided into several segments. As far as the official fee is concerned, it depends upon the nature of the organization, whether it is an individual/startup/small enterprise or company and whether the application is to be filed online or physically.

Once the application is filed and where all formalities are in order, the application will be examined. Once examined, the TMO will either issue an examination report citing. Where there are objections, an appropriate response has to be submitted within one month of receipt of the examination report. If there are no objections, then the mark shall be ordered to be advertised before acceptance (ABA) or accepted and advertised (AAA).

Our team of highly experienced trademark attorneys at GIP Research & Analytics provides value added trademark services to help clients maximize business value from their trademarks which includes:

Trademark Application
Trademark Filing and Fee
Trademark Office Action
Madrid Protocol India

For more information on Trademark Filing & Examination please Contact Us.