Trademark Monetization & Commercialization

The most essential part of every business is to have a trade name/Trademark.  A trademark is a recognizable sign, design, or expression which identifies products or services of a particular source from those of others. This is therefore extremely important for a business, where it can be used for advertising and marketing the products or services you are dealing with. Before choosing any sort of trademark for a business one should make sure that it is unique in nature and not violating any others intellectual property. A Trademark may not look monetizable/commercializable, but it is!

GIP Research & Analytics helps you in building your own brand and also to build your business. And once you create your own brand then you can always sell or mortgage your Trademark to make some good amount of money out of it.

GIP has a team for Trademark Monetization & Commercialization services, which includes:

Trademark Licensing
Trademark Assignment & Transmission of Rights

For more information on Trademark Monetization & Commercialization please Contact Us.