Trademark Opposition & Registration

Within the 4-month period after the publication/advertisement of the mark in the Trademarks Journal, any person can oppose the mark by filing a Notice of Opposition on the prescribed Form TM-O along with the prescribed fee. Where a notice of opposition has been filed in respect of a single trademark, however for different classes of goods and services, it shall incur the fee in respect of each class in relation to which the opposition is filed. 

Similarly with the same form TM-O trademark reficication for any errors on the registry can also be filed with a prescribed period and fee.

Trademark registration makes you stand out of the crowd and establish a unique identity of your products and entity. GIP Research & Analytics offers services which will quicken your trademark opposition and registration process.

GIP has a team for Trademark Opposition & Registration services, which includes:

Trademark Opposition
Trademark Registration
Trademark Rectification 
Trademark Renewal & Restoration

For more information on Trademark Opposition & Registration please Contact Us.